Friday, January 28, 2011

DIY: Adorable Coffee Sleeve

Crochet this Adorable Coffee Sleeve to take with you to the coffee shop!
You can you use any color combination you want to make it your own.
So not only is it cute but you can also feel good about
being green and not using the paper sleeves.
If you have never crocheted before this is a great beginners project.
It is very easy.I encourage everyone to try!
At the bottom of the page there is a link
to a website for newbies to learn abbreviations.
The website also has how-to diagrams.
If you have any further questions just let me know!
I would be happy to help!

Materials: Medium weight yarn (approximately 50 yards)
Crochet needle G (4.00 mm)

Gauge: Use the instructions in the pattern to adjust the size
to fit your coffee cup

Finished Size: 3" (7.5 cm) in diameter, 2 3/4" (7 cm) tall.
Size may be adjusted to fit any coffee cup.

Crochet Pattern:
Round 1: ch 40, or a chain that is fits tightly around your coffee cup, sl st in first ch made, forming a loop and being careful not to twist chain: 40 ch
Round 2: ch 2, hdc in each ch around, sl st in top of beginning ch-2: 40 hdc
Round 3: ch 2, turn, hdc in each hdc around, sl st in top of beginning ch-2: 40 hdc
Repeat round 3, 6 times or until sleeve is as tall as you desire, then finish off.

Good Luck!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mr. Ellie Pooh

     Elephants in Sri Lanka are being killed at an alarming rate. Humans are cutting down trees and ruining elephant habitats, when they come to find food they are shot and killed. Mr. Ellie Pooh LLC. is a paper company that uses 50% fiber from elephant dung and 50% post consumer paper . Their plan is to open handmade paper facilities in rural areas, train local villagers to make paper and hire artisans to embellish their goods. This would stop the cutting down of elephant habitats, help sustain the worlds resources, as well as provide work for a number of local villagers.
       According to the Environmental Paper Network, 50% of the worlds forests have been cleared and burned, and 80% of whats left has been seriously degraded.  If the United States cut office paper use by just 10% it would prevent the emission of 1.6 million tons of greenhouse gases -- the equivalent of taking 280,000 cars off the road. Compared to using virgin wood, paper made with 100% recycled content uses 44% less energy, produces 38% less greenhouse gas emissions, 41% less particulate emissions, 50% less waste water, 49% less solid waste and, of course, 100% less wood. There are no toxic chemicals used in the paper making process.  Natural vegetative binding agents, along with water-soluble salt dyes for coloring are used.  Mr. Ellie Pooh’s papers are handmade, acid free and as organic as it gets.

The End.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Sunshine.

I love waking up to surprises like this from Mr. Flood.
He's definetly worth it ;)
Not only is he the Husband but he's my best friend.

This is us at our favorite spot in the zoo. It's peaceful and you can see Moose!!
They are sweethearts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sing Song Sunday!

This is a lovely tune that will brighten your snowy Sunday morning. Plus there's just nothing like Muppet's to make you smile : )

Friday, January 21, 2011

See Sara. See Sara Knit!

I recently learned to knit, however, I have yet to finish a simple scarf. Its harder than it looks!!! Today I found this picture and decided that it is my ultimate goal. Lol. I'm sure that after i finish a lovely scarf I'll be a master (In my dreams). But maybe someday I will finish it and many others, sell them, and become rich so that I can buy these....   
Yes. I'm going to be an Alpaca farmer and warm the world with owl sweaters!
Well friends I'm off to conquer my dreams
Have a lovely day!

Black Rhino Poaching

The numbers are grim—rhino poaching in South Africa averaged nearly one a day in 2010. Of the 333 rhinos illegally killed last year, ten were critically endangered black rhinos, according to national park officials. This is the highest ever recorded in South Africa and nearly triple the number in 2009 when 122 rhinos were poached. Alarmingly, the new year began with another five rhinos lost to poaching.
“This is not typical poaching,” said Dr. Joseph Okori, WWF African Rhino Program Manager. “The criminal syndicates operating in South Africa are highly organized and use advanced technologies. They are very well coordinated.”
The current wave of poaching is being committed by sophisticated criminal networks using helicopters, night-vision equipment, veterinary tranquilizers and silencers to kill rhinos at night while attempting to avoid military and law enforcement patrols.
The recent rhino crime wave is largely attributed to the increased demand for rhino horn, which has long been prized as an ingredient in traditional Asian medicine. Its popularity increased in Vietnam after claims that rhino horn possesses cancer-curing properties, despite any medical evidence.

Learn more at

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Read of the Week.

Out of Africa. Hopefully I'll be able to tell you about it soon!

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Meet the Flood Family.

The Puppies.



The Business.


Skinny Alex



In Loving Memory of Trollope and Reefer Flood.

The First of Many.

Hi! Welcome to F is for Flood. I started this blog so that we can share our lives with our friends and family. Hope you enjoy!

Picture c/o Roger Forshey