Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patricks Day!

Happy St. Patricks Day!
Hope you caught some rays and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

We spent this St. Patty's Day at the zoo!

Then we took to pups to the dog park

St. Patricks Day Bandanna's Provided by Grandma Barb
Thanks Mom!

Soundtrack of the Day:
If I Ever Leave this World Alive by Flogging Molly

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Brand New!

This is what I have been up to!

Now for sale at

Soundtrack of the Day:
Daisy by Brand New

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Gift of Yarn

Yesterday Mr. Flood worked a 12 hour shift so I didn't get to see him much.
(sad face)
While he was there he told me that he got me a surprise!
(happy face)
I was very excited but had no idea what was going to come of it.
He said it was worth a lot of money and was really big.
He also added that he would have to make several trips to carry it in.
At this point I was about to burst with curiosity and excitement.

When he finally made it home, after stopping to get me some noodle soup.
(I have the best Husband in the world)
He proceeded to inform me that he forgot it at work.
(angry face)
So I went upstairs to pout.
He didn't try to find me!!!!!
So I walked downstairs and there sat 5 totes and a laundry basket.
He tricked me!
Want to know what was in them?????


That's right folks, YARN!
Now he hadn't gone out and bought all of this
it was given to us by Mr.Flood's previous boss.
Sadly her mother had passed away and she wanted this yarn
to go to someone who make good use of it.
I will.
I feel so grateful that she thought of me
and to have inherited all of this yarn.
I feel that this yarn is a blessing and a sign.
Since it was given to me I want to give back to charity.
I am going to use as much of it as I possibly can
to make Snuggles for the Snuggles Project!

It's the gift that keeps on giving!

Soundtrack of the Day:
Shine by Rosi Golan

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Snuggles Project

This year my new years resolution was to be more charitable
and like a true American, I almost immediately forgot.
Then I was flipping through one of my crochet magazines
and something popped out at me.
"The Snuggles Project"

The Snuggles Project is a popular program provided by the non-profit
organization, Hugs for Homeless Animals.
It was founded in 1996 by Rae French because of her
heartfelt need to do something for the innocent victims
who find themselves in animal shelters without
a bit of comfort to call their own.
Picturing them in their hard cold cells made
her heart ache to do something to help.
So she got the idea of security blankets for shelter animals.
The security blankets are called "Snuggles".

In most cases the animals are kept in areas with
stainless steel braces or hard plastic floors.
The Snuggles give the animals something to cuddle in
and feel more at ease during their stay.
The Snuggles can be knitted, crocheted, or even quilted.
They also provided free patterns for each of these genres.

The Snuggles Project is a multi-beneficial project.
It is beneficial to the animals who receive them
for physical and psychological comfort.
It is beneficial to the shelters who can present a more
homey atmosphere and adopt more animals.
It is beneficial to the Snuggle maker who
receives the warm feeling that comes
with doing good work to help others.
Furthermore, the project is a very good project
 for the elderly as it gives them
worthwhile work that they can do to keep them active.
 It is a very good project for kids and people learning
how to crochet, knit or quilt because
the Snuggles don’t have to be perfect.
The animals love them any way they can get them.

All that is required is that they be made with love.

You can report your donations online and
 receive a tax deductible receipt via email.
Most animal shelters will also take donations of
blankets and towels.
They should be clean and in decent condition
when they are received by the shelter.

I have already started on my Snuggles!!
I have also contacted my neighborhood animal shelter
to see which sizes they needed the most.
I am very excited to start helping this wonderful organization!
I hope that this inspires you to be more charitable as well!

Sountrack of the Day:
Satellite Heart by Anya Maria

Saturday, March 5, 2011

National Craft Month!

Thats Right break out that constuction paper kiddies, it's National Craft Month!!!!!!

I am celebrating by sitting down and really learning how to knit.
No more excuses Sara Nycol!
You can do it!

I hope that everyone takes this opportunity to embark on a craft.
It doesn't have to be something big.
Pick up some crayons and do some coloring.
Make a pair of the most comfy pj pants you can imagine
Doodle on your homework, or any paper you get ahold of.
Or, learn a new craft like me!

Happy Craft Month Everyone!

Soundtrack of the Day:
Where is my Mind by The Pixies


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Ok as I said yesterday I have started my own crafting business.
I have been crocheting my little fingers off!
I have just posted, what I hope will be the first of many, crafts on

These are the coffee cozies that are currently for sale there

April Showers

Purple Rain

Real Monsters

Somethings Gotta Give

I hope that you all will check it out!

Soundtrack of the Day:
You Were Meant for Me by Jewel

Hey Folks!

I wanted to apologize for falling off the face of the earth! Soo I am Sorry.
We have been busy and distracted
However, things have settled down and we are back on track!
Now we are going to play catch up so you know what's up!!

First thing is first
The Valentines Day results!!!

We decided to make this holiday a little more fun by playing a game.
We both entered the thrift store with 10 dollars and 30 minutes to shop.
The gift was supposed to be fun and little different, lol.

From Mr. Flood I got:

This lovely porcelain duck that I plan to plant flowers in.

This 1st place trophy, cause I'm #1!!!!!!

And this beautiful vintage scarf!

For Mr. Flood I got:

This book about evolution.

These neat- o sunglasses

And this vintage coffee mug from Germany!

I do believe this Valentine's Day was a success. Plus it was lots of fun!!

Next on the List...
I was hired as a Third Key Manger for Claire's, I start next Wednesday!

Third thing....
I have decided to start my own crafting business!!!

I crocheted cozies for all of these coffee cups! 

This is The Hair Doctors Edition and will be for sale at
The Hair Doctors Hair Salon in Sarahsville, Ohio

I have also made some that will be for sale on very soon!!!
I will  be making scarves, pillows, and all kinds of other goodies!
Be sure to check it out!
Soundtrack of the Day:
Rolling in the Deep by Adele